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To get to the answer, we will follow a step-by-step methodology at the end of which you will not only know the answer to the question but also know perhaps a bit more about ISO and ISO 9001.
At first, let us elaborate on ISO.
The International Organisation of Standardisation, ISO, develops and publishes international standards. It does not actively decide to develop standards but responds to the requests from industries and other stakeholders. The standards are developed by groups of experts from different parts of the world who are a part of large groups that negotiate all aspects of the standard and create a draft. Then, the voting process begins and the draft is introduced as an ISO standard if a consensus is achieved. Else, the draft is modified and voted upon until consensus is achieved.
The ISO 9001 certification process starts with an organisation’s decision to use ISO 9001, a globally-recognised ISO standard, as the basis for its Quality Management System (QMS). Then, the company takes measures to create and document their QMS by using ISO 9001 requirements as a guideline. Once the organisation has maintained the system for a length of time and conducted internal audits in addition to management reviews, it gets in touch with an ISO certification company to audit the system against the requirements for ISO 9001. If there are no major non-conformities, the certifying body issues an ISO 9001 certificate showing that the company’s QMS is acceptable to meet the standard.
The organisation is then consisdered to be ISO 9001 certified.
After getting the ISO 9001 certification, the organisation needs to do the following things if it wants to retain its certified status:
#1 If the ISO 9001 Certificate is About to Expire
ISO 9001 certification is not a one-time event since the ISO 9001 compliance certificate is valid for 3 years. The organisation must go for an audit of the QMS again by a third-party certifying body to retain its ISO certification status.
#2 If the ISO 9001 Standard is Revised
If an organisation is ISO 9001 certified and ISO decides to revise the standard, the organisation needs to move to the new standard within the stipulated time. Usually, a transition period of three years is given to organisations to implement the revised standard and get it assessed by an ISO certification company to retain their ISO 9001 certified status.
If an organisation does not take action on time to get re-certified, it loses its “ISO certified” status once the ISO 9001 compliance certificate expires.
Globus Certifications helps you implement ISO 9001 complaint QMS and get ISO 9001 certified. Get in touch with us now. Call us on +91-9810555659, +91-9868476771 or +91-9918728945.
May 18, 2018